Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Day 373- My full name holds the sacred trinity of process...

Matthew Hayden Stone... 
Okay, so my first name you probably might notice it right away, but please wait, because I mentioned trinity, there's 3 points of process within the 3 words of my name. I'm not here to just talk about my first name and the 2 letters holding hands within it. 

Alright, so super egotistical right out of the gates, right? 

Well, 'hear' me out, because I have been 'here' with Desteni for a very long time, and I have had my name for even longer. I believe the holy trinity of process is within my name...

Also, don't react to the word 'sacred', let me reference the dictionary itself: ''regarded with great respect and reverence by a particular religion, group, or individual''... It's not biblical, or spiritual, or more than, or special. It's just 3 points that to me as an individual I hold in the highest regard, highest respect within my idea of what process truly is. 

Let me slow down and admit firstly I certainly have not lived my life to the highest standard or been as great or perfect as I may have liked to have been up to this point. But, I am not saying I have done my name justice... I'm simply saying it was always there for me to see, carved right into my name.. I just never slowed down to see it in full until just today in fact... 

Matthew Hayden Stone. 

maTThew hayDEn STONE 

I mean that's pretty blatant... I mean just slide the y out of Hayden and slide it over to the end and there you have it. TT and Desteni.

Infact, do slide the y over because that then isolates the third part of the 'trinity'.

TT and Desteni both equally important... I mean TT does come first in my name... And it seems that it's going to be the first thing that a lot of people hear about first and are introduced to first in their process... Honestly, TT and Desteni, are neither of what I am really wanting to spefecically talk about here. The importance of Desteni is primarily to me representing self forgiveness and the recorded materials of Sunette/Bernard. And the importance of TT is very well known to those who use it, and may never be known or understood by those who refuse it. (Which I have done myself at times past), in fact I've denied Desteni as self forgciveness at times too. 

This is again not really about those two things because for those who understand the significance of both of them there's nothing left to say on the matter.

The 3rd point to the trinity, and the only thing of these 3 I have been the most gung-ho about, the only thing that once I began I never ever ever stopped and never let go, and never questioned again, well that 3rd point can be seen sitting between TT and Desteni in my name. Binding them and holding them together. 

The picture I have added if it's showing up, looks like a laughing/smiling clown.

The picture is what my biengness looks like as drawn for me by Sunette back when those specific recordings were still available.

My begingness ironically enough was apparently birthed out of 3 different beings all coming together as one and creating me. You'd have to do more research into EQAFE for more context on what that means and how that all worked. 

But again the 3rd point comes down to the particular look of my beigness for which reason I decided to add. And again is in the middle of TT and Desteni in my name.



Like the laughing clown... Hahaha

But what is a laugh? It's a breath...

That is the one thing that over a decade ago, I grabbed the fuck onto, and did not let go of to this very day. 

So jokes on me. I stopped everything when I really really discovered the breath.

I mean I was like so so into it, it's all I did...

But that lead to its own consequences because you need 3 things to most effectively walk process.

Techno Tutor, self forgiveness, and a breath by breath living application. 

Use your TT, use self forgiveness, and then go apply yourself breath by breath to make a world best for all starting with yourself and your own word and mind. 

To do the work that needs to be done on earth in your job, in your buisness, in your writing, in your TT, you are most effective when you are moving and acting aware and deliberate in each breath.

When a thought intrudes into your mind, when you are taken over by emotion, you stop, you do what? You breathe. Breat he, hehehe hahaha.

A laugh is nothing but a breath 

For me, I'm some sort of fool... Hence my foolish looking beingness, and since I am a fool, and was raised completely foolishly, I was not programmed or raised to succeed, so unfortunately until my buisness becomes successful, I have a job. My job is entirely physical labor based, as it is a massage job. So how do I support myself to do the job I am required to do until I one day pray I may have a buisness for real? I breathe, that's all that is left to do is breathe.

You are breathing more than you are doing TT, you are breathing more than you are doing self forgiveness.

It is what binds everything together. 

It's free, I don't need to work that hard to sell something that is free do I? I mean when and as I see myself doing x... I stop I breathe. 

But what if x was being of the mind?

When and as I see myself being of the mind of separation, I stop, I breathe, I realize that I am always in my mind of separation in each breath, thus I commit myself to always be stopping and always be breathing in each breath.

Do not be mistaken, take action if you are not proficient in breathing yet.

Change the world, build your buisness, stand up within the system, within your community, as I have committed to do myself no matter what time of effort it takes.

All I reccomed is that in each breath you breathe, be the one breathing, stop your mind participation in each breath. 

This is the holy trinity, and these 3 tools are the most important things in your arsenal.

But hear me clearly, use your brain to think when needed, study everything and everyone and take what is good. Use a calender. Take notes. Use and invest your money wisely. Work with others, check out self Perfected. Get involved in politics. Educate yourself and others. Read. Get fucking rich! Do not do drugs.

Do everything you can fathom and all in-between to get there, get the job done, and get it done right so we can create together a world that is best for all life. 

But when you use these 3 tools effectively together... I mean like holy shit. Please consider these 3 things like the best fucking 3some you could ever imagine. Like the 3 beigness that came together to create me. The holy fucking trinity. The like whoa I wish I had this shit from the day I was born... 

This has been ma TT DE Stoney checking out! Haha!

Use these 3 tools and you will become the baddest mother Fk*r on the face of the planet!

More on breathing to come... it will be a laugh and a half... 

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