Sunday, March 27, 2022

Day 370- correction for my last blog

My last blog did not come out very productive. That is okay because I'm going to make some corrections here and focus on more productive meaningful solutions, apposed to complaining or victimizing myself.

Blogging to share process can be a great thing, but it's important to keep things structured and to recognize when things are veering off in an unhealthy manner. If someone were to read my last blog it would be absolutely not of service to anyone who might unfortunately stumble upon it, so again I am moving very quickly to make some corrections  here. 

From here I am simply going to start by making some relevant commitment statements about how I am going to be more productive in my life/process moving forward. 

I commit myself to use self forgiveness every day

I commit myself to slow down and try to be as specific and effective in my self forgiveness as possible 

I commit myself to enroll in DIP pro so I can learn how to be more effective at self forgiveness and utilize a buddy who will support me to be as effective as possible

I commit myself to use my Techno Tutor everyday 

I commit myself to learn from the other Destonians instead of going into inferiority toward them

I commit myself to learn from the Techno Tutor distributors 

I commit myself to learn from people who aren't in Desteni or Techno Tutor because everyone can have something to learn from

I commit myself to share myself in a productive manner and not express things that aren't of support to myself and other people

I commit myself to use my time wisely and to take breaks when needed but not to overindulge in laziness.

I commit myself to stick to my sleep schedule each day

I commit myself to work towards becoming successful to be able to stand up within the system and make a difference in the world

I commit myself to walk with the groups that are standing for and creating real change in themselves and the world like self perfected and Desteni

I commit myself to always have a job where although I have a job at this moment, jobs can be unpredictable, and I commit myself to build a buisness for myself where I would then no longer be dependent on a job for my wellbeing and security.

I commit myself to be patient where change does not happen immidetely but occurs over time and application.

I commit myself to not give up even when I feel that I am not changing 

I commit myself to participate in the communities that are changing themselves and the world 

I commit myself to share myself appropriately 

I commit myself to maintain my blog at least occasionally to function as a reference point for where I am in process but not just to dump a bunch of garbage and justify that that's just 'where I am at in process' because that's disingenuous and unnecessary.

I feel this is a great outline for how I can live and apply myself moving forward. They say process is the hardest thing you will ever do so it's important to keep that in mind when faced with obstacles or moments of feeling stuck. It is vital to remain persistent and challenge oneself to reach the utmost highest standard for oneself and one's living. It's okay to make mistakes and to fall as long as you correct yourself in a timely manner and don't let consequences build up over extended periods of time where then standing up becomes even more difficult. 

Process will be challenging for everyone on earth, but it can also be fun. 


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