Saturday, January 23, 2016



When I say 'I commit myself to stop, breathe, and correcrect', it does not mean that I have immedetly going to be able to handle any give point here as breathe as self correction.

It is a statement from myself as myself stating my commitment. It is my decision to stop breathe and correct, and it is my decision to commit myself to the self forgiveness actualization as real time correction in breathe as directing myself here as life as best for life.

I could fall within a point a thousand times, and still be wholly commiting to stopping it within all my being.

I can't write self commitment statements with the belief that it will be resolved on it's own, self commitment is a word, I am the being who gives it flesh as the acting out of the word self commitment as a symbol.

I am not the word self commitment, I am the being acting out the word as self support.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exspect my problems in my life to be resolved because I wrote self forgiveness, then corresponding self commitment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exspect my self forgiveness to be actualized just because I wrote it.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to separate myself from expressing real self forgiveness for real, by allowing self forgiveness to be an idea in my mind and not what I act on in principle in ever waking moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to take self forgiveness forgranted, as expecting myself to improve as a person just because I have written self forgiveness. 

Self for granted statements are like the opposite of self forgiveness. Like writring, 'I wish I had a thousand dollars', and then praying as the self commitment to the self for granted statement.

In this moment right now I can think hard to remember a few specefic statements of self forgiveness, not even close to the actual amount I have written, but I'm living every statement of self forgiveness I have ever written as life, I don't need to remember or recall a given point to stand up for who I am as life as that point as myself, as who I allow myself to be here and now.

I am not defined by my self forgiveness, I am the living embodyment of it, I am also the living embodyment of every backchat, hate, and dream I have had.

But, I make the choice in self forgiveness statements as stating who I will myself to be... That I will not stand for myself as a dream, or as hate, or as backchat ever again. I write self forgiveness for these things I have allowed, to correct myself, and stand with myself as self correction, because it is my decision as a living being. Because I have seen consequences, and have realized common sense.

I commit myself to stand only for self forgiveness which represent what is best for life, and not self forgiveness as the idea that self forgiveness is a medicine that will cure me on it's own. Self forgiveness is a tool as a word, that I use to represent what I will myself as equal to all life to stand for in every single moment. So I cannot stand for self forgiveness that does not support me to stand as life.

Not all self forgiveness is self fullfillied, and not all self commitment statements are actually commited to. They are not the ideas I have about them, and that is a hard point to accept, when I am not 'actually moving forward'.

And am just writting words on paper that I won't actually stand for.

I commit myself to actually stand for my self forgiveness, and to let my self forgiveness represent who I will myself to be as best for all of life equally.

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