Friday, February 5, 2016

Day- 17 Re-birthing 'My' Process

When I first heard Bernard Poolman speak in a youtube video I found, I would have been something around the age 13/14. As I recall it was before I was in high-school. I don't remember the event very well, but I remember the impact it left on me even at a fairly young age. I remember this shock to my system, I remember a deep connection to what he had said. To this day it has never left me, I in my mind have never left Desteni since I first started writing on the forum in 2011. 

I tried to go my own way, but nothing has been gained, and at the pace humanity is being destroyed, I cannot do that again. 

If there ever was a time to 'go my own way' it's long gone, in fighting against what I have always known was the truth since I first heard the Desteni message, I have committed a grave crime against life, against myself, and against all as one and equal to me.

Should there ever be a time to go 'my own way', it must be reserved until equality as equal money has been installed in all facets of society, and only then can the freedom to 'carve my own path' be a choice.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to infringe on the dignity and integrity of life, by 'carving my own path', while the world burns, and I already had presented to myself, exactly what needed to be done.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to act out as living the word 'spite', as in ‘spite’ of the evidence, I proved my disconnect and disdain for reality as an inconvenience to my desires by not acting on what I had already seen as being best for life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not have looked at the proof of the Desteni message, as one plus one, where I am all as one, where I acted on just one, as one alone, where I did not act for all as one.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not care about all life as one and equal, as one plus one.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to care only if I succeed.

My process, my success, my oneness! What shit!

It's one process, one humanity, one goal. Equal money, equal rights, equal life. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to care about 'my' process.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to care about 'my' individualism as a Destonian.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to distort the word ‘my’ into ‘my’ self interest, and within this I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that what is ‘mine’, is also ‘yours’, as ‘my’ process is also ‘your’ process one and equal.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to manipulate the word ‘my’ into my self interest as ‘my’ process, ‘my’ oneness ‘my’ equality.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have ever dared to have stood for any less than the process of all life, as an equal process.

I commit myself to stand for all life in self honesty.

I commit myself to stand for all life in self forgiveness.

I commit myself to quit 'my' process.

As, I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to ever have believed there ever was such a thing as ‘my’ process.

And, I commit myself to change my process to the process of life, as all life, as one and equal in all ways.

I realize that the only thing that matters in my life is being the living embodiment of what will bring about what is best for all life in all ways. 

I commit myself to utilize the living word to make that my new process and to continue the furtherment of the process of what is best for life in all ways until I as one, no longer can be a part of that process upon ‘my’ death.


  1. Fine sentiments. Yes, the world is dying---humanity with it as we selfishly add billions to the world that cannot sustain it and we kill off so many species. We are a selfish species ourselves, may the universe forgive us.

    If we are to have any hope of survival we must put aside the selfishness and be more open-minded and flexible in our wants/desires.

    You have described our sitch very well....continue the path.....

    1. We are the universe, we must forgive ourselves within oneself one and equal to what is outside oneself, as above so below. Thanks for the insight and support! :)
